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Ravenswood Vintners Blend Zinfandel 750ml

A big, in-your-face wine that proves, once again, how sinfully good Zin can be. Setting the stage with tantalizing aromas of black cherry, raspberries, and blueberries along with hints of oak. It then stops the show with a cascade of fruit flavours, flexible tannins, and a long, fruit-forward finish.

Riccadonna Asti 750ml

This sweet sparkling wine expresses all the aromatic heritage of the Piedmont region. Riccadonna Asti D.O.C.G is a sweet and delicate sparkling wine, but also rigorous in its style. With its bright colour and intense bouquet, it has a floral, fruity and herbal aroma with acacia, white peach, nectarine, sage notes and some tropical hints.

Riviera Rosé Vin de Provence 750ml

Fresh and crisp on the palate with a dry finish. The aromas & palate are full of exotic fruits, strawberry and cheery with a hint of spice. The mouth is full and the fruit is persistent and salivating. Serve chilled.

Rockburn Cental Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Rockburn's 'hands-off' approach delivers a pure expression of Central Otago to your glass; an expressive nose and deeply fruited palate displaying vibrant notes of red and black cherry, rich mocha and supple, silky tannins leading into a very long finish. As always this wine shows classic Rockburn elegance, integrity and balance. Enjoy with friends over the next 4-9 years.

Ruffino Lumina Prosecco DOC 750ml

The bouquet is fragrant and bursting with fruit notes. It shows clean aromas of apples, pears, and citrus, accompanied by hints of wisteria. Crisp, clean, and delicate with fine bubbles on the palate. Intense flavours of apples and peaches lead to a pleasant finish with lingering fruit and floral notes.

Sandeman Beat Rosé Port 750ml

Sandeman Beat is a Port wine with a very fresh and aromatic profile, ideal for serving in cocktails. It is a highly versatile drink, making it suitable for numerous occasions. Pale pink colour. Fresh and elegant aroma, with a presence of red fruits, wild berries and slight floral notes. In the mouth it has a smooth attack, a refreshing acidity and a well-balanced finish.

Sandeman Beat White Port 750ml

Sandeman Beat is a Port wine with a very fresh and aromatic profile, ideal for serving in cocktails. It is a highly versatile drink, making it suitable for numerous occasions. Bright-looking, citrine coloured wine, with golden nuances. Aroma of good intensity, with a predominance of ripe white fruits, notes of tropical fruit and slightly floral. It is balanced on the palate, with a very well-integrated acidity, with a presence of white fruits and a good harmonious finish.

Sandeman Tawny Port 750ml

Descended from the fiery ruby Porto Wines originally shipped by George Sandeman in 1790, Sandeman Ports are still made traditionally to be rich and robust yet with a special depth of flavour and finesse.

Selaks Essential Selection Chardonnay 750ml

The Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These are wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.

Selaks Essential Selection Merlot 750ml

Established in 1934, Selaks is renowned for quality trusted wines that you can enjoy with friends and family, Our wine makers taste wines from around the world to bring you the best value and quality from the best regions.

Selaks Essential Selection Pinot Gris 750ml

Selaks Essentials range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. Suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency. This wine has intense fruit flavours of pear and spice notes combine in a clean, slightly off-dry finish.

Selaks Essential Selection Pinot Noir 750ml

Our Selaks range is made in an approachable style highlighting the fresh vibrant fruit character of each variety. These wines suitable for all occasions, delivering excellent quality and consistency every vintage.
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