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Taylor's 20YO Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is one of the oldest of the founding Port houses. It is dedicated entirely to the production of Port wine and in particular to its finest styles. Taylor's Port Wine since 1692.

Taylor's 30YO Tawny Port 750ml

Deep, old gold colour with hints of dried fruit and honey offsetting the rich nutty aromas. Lush, silky richness with an elegant, slightly austere quality which is quite distinctive. Subtle dried fruit flavours underlay, exotic layers of caramel and nuts culminating in an endless finish.

Taylor's 40YO Tawny Port 750ml

A sublime Port of very great age which shows the old olive-gold hue of its many years in cask. Decades of evaporation have concentrated this extraordinary wine to an exceptional density, with a powerful nose of dried fruit, honey and a touch of spice. Impressions of nutmeg, roasted coffee and an intense nuttiness converge both in the bouquet and on the palate. The wine's rich, intense, voluptuous, almost viscous texture culminate in a finish of incredible length.

Taylor's Chip Dry Port & East Imperial Tonic Gift Pack 750ml

Made from traditional white grape varieties, it is fermented longer than usual to give it an appetisingly crisp dry finish. Several years of aging in oak vat and careful blending complete the fresh fruit flavours with an elegant, nuttiness. These flavours perfectly marry with East Imperial Tonic and a large slice of Orange in a tall glass with ice.

Taylor's Chip Dry White Port 750ml

Pale, straw colour. Delicate nose combining fresh fruit fragrances with the mellow aromas and hints of oak of a traditional white port. Fresh, lively palate, with good flavour and crisp, dry finish.

Taylors Estate Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This is a wine of great intensity. It has distinctive blackcurrant and cassis fruit flavours. Subtle oak characters of cedar cigar box and spice are also evident. The tannins are fine and elegant - a hallmark of the varietal. The palate is well balanced, complex and fulfilling and lingers on the finish.

Taylors Estate Merlot 750ml

This wine is medium to full-bodied with lush red berry, plum and cherry fruit characters. The fruit flavours are balanced by undertones of creamy mocha, spice & subtle savoury characters. The palate has a soft, velvety texture with grainy tannins through the mid-palate and a long, persistence to finish.

Taylors Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

This wine has enticing, lifted fruit aromas of red currant and cherry fruits with a touch of spice and a very subtle minty, menthol character. Medium-bodied with flavours of ripe cherry and light red berry fruits along with savoury toast and sweet spice. The palate is soft and silky. Subtle oak characters of cinnamon and cedar add to the overall complexity.

Taylors Estate Shiraz 750ml

The wine has a wonderful aroma displaying dark plum, redcurrant and red cherry fruits along with subtle chocolate and a touch of oak derived spice. The palate is plump & generous with ripe fruit characters of plum, cherry and redcurrant. Mocha coffee and subtle aniseed characters are also present along with vanillan oak to balance the fruit flavours. The wine is medium-bodied with a soft mid-palate & pleasing tannin structure. It is a well balanced wine with great texture, good length and enjoyable fruit flavours on the finish.

Taylor's Fine Ruby Port 750ml

Taylor's Fine Ruby a blend of full bodied Port wines aged for around two years in large oak vats in Taylor's cellars, or 'lodges', in Vila Nova de Gaia.

Taylor's Fine Tawny Port 750ml

Taylor's is now into it's fourth century, one of the very oldest of the Port companies. It is the last totally independent company of the original British Port houses - and is still family owned and managed. Taylor's is recognised for its consistent quality of Vintage Ports and for pioneering the successful 'Late Bottle Vintage' (LBV) style - a high quality ready-to-drink alternative to vintage port.

Taylors Jaraman Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

This is a rich full-bodied wine yet at the same time, remains in balanced across the palate with fine, elegant tannins – the hallmark of great Cabernet.
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